Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Parade

Well, we found a heckofa deal on a Katelyn's first Halloween costume...nine bucks at the local kids consignment shop! Can't beat that for 20 minutes of enjoyment!!

Katelyn's Halloween parade was hilariously adorable! All the moms and two dads (Tim was sooo relieved to see another dad walk through the door) showed up at the daycare around 3:00 to start the festivities. We zipped our little ones into their costumes, took a bunch of pictures, then pranced our little characters in and out of each classroom for all to admire...or not really...none of the little kids in the other classrooms paid a bit of attention to us, but we all ooohed and awwwwed at each others kids, and that's all that matters! Katelyn's class consisted of two cows, a skunk, a hot red pepper and of course, a lion! They were all adorable and we're sooooo glad we participated! It was a great first "holiday" event to spend with our little booger.

Katelyn's a little unsure about her "helmet"

Her mane had the windblown look!

Here we are prancing throught the hallways!

Don't you just love the little PINK bow?!!

Check out that lion gut!

"Can we go now?!"

What a good Daddy to show up for the parade!

Mommy and her little lionette.

Lindsey didn't want to leave the pups out...but they would have rathered I did!

