Monday, July 6, 2009

The Pigtails

A lot has happened since the last time we posted. Katelyn began walking just about the time she turned 10 months old and hasn't stopped moving since! She says Mama and Dada on a regular basis but probably only means it a quarter of the time...but hey, we'll take it!

She went to the beach in May and mostly loved it. She was afraid of the waves but was digging (and eating) the sand. She has 5 1/2 teeth and only eats table food now. Her favorite food is green beans, believe it or not! She drinks whole milk in a sippy cup throughout the day and only has a bedtime bottle. I'm sure she'd do fine without that last bottle but Tim and I are not willing to give it up quite yet. We love giving it to her; she loves drinking it; and, she sleeps so darn well after she's done sucking down all 8 ounces. So we figure "don't fix what ain't broken"! We'll eventually break her of that last bottle...maybe when she's backing out of the driveway and heading down to Auburn. Ok ok, probably before then but definitely not now!

She had her one year birthday a couple weeks ago which means she can ride forward-facing in her carseat now...those of you reading this with small children can appreciate what a milestone that is!!! She had pink princess cupcakes on her actual birthday and a yellow cake with chocolate frosting at her little birthday party. She loved both and really enjoyed eating and smearing both all over her body!!

Her most recent obsession is saying "uh-ohhh" every time she drops or throws something on the ground. I'll have to say that little "uh-ohhh" is one of my favorite things about her right now. It's just so darn cute!!

AND, last but not least...her hair, or at least certain pieces of her hair, is finally long enough for pigtails...Yes, PIGTAILS!!!! I absolutely LOVE pigtails on little girls and the thought of fixing her silky soft hair each morning is so exciting to me!! Never mind the fact that she'll rip out the tails 2 minutes after I have precisely measured out equal amounts of hair for each side and placed the tails exactly in the middle of her head...Nope, I don't care about that because (at least) I will get to see her sporting her new do for the first few minutes of the morning.







Monday, April 13, 2009

The wild cat is almost 10 months old

Can you believe Katelyn will be 10 months old in a few days?! How and when did that happen?!

If there is such thing as a run-crawl, Katelyn does it. She is sooooo fast and thinks she is hot stuff when she chases after toys or the pets.

Speaking of pets, she loves to crawl after them and nuzzle into their soft fur...they don't much care for it but it's entertaining (for us) to watch :) If Tucker even sees her moving in his direction he jumps up and runs far far way from her while Tallie just lets her do her thing.

Katelyn is the most active baby I have ever seen. Her teacher gave her the name "wild cat" because she never sits still...she's always moving around and getting into something! Hopefully that means she got her daddy's genes and will be a fit little thing!

Bath time is very active these days too. She has discovered the water faucet and can't get enough of it. She likes to pull herself up on it and play with the water coming out...and anything else she can get her little hands on.

Diaper duty is a chore that almost takes two people! She reaches and grabs for everything, including the blinds. So much for the days of distracting her with a diaper duty is a ring match :)

Because she wears herself out during the day, we had to move her bedtime from 8:00 to 7:30...and somedays she's even in bed by 7:00! She still does pretty well during the nights and only wakes occasionally (some nights) when she just wants her passy.

It finally happened...Katelyn brought home her first sickness that we all got. This past weekend Tim and I were out for the count. We were so pitiful sick that we had to call in the reinforcements! Katelyn pretty much spent the entire weekend at both of her Grandma's houses while Tim and I tried to recover from looking and feeling like death...Thank goodness for wonderful Grandmas who only live a few minutes from us! Thanks Moms!!

She's starting to stand here and there on her own for short periods of time. She kind of does this surfer move where she balances herself's very cute and of course she is so proud of herself!!

Katelyn has two bottom teeth and probaby another one on its way. She's already put her little beaver teeth on her crib AND her Grammie's entertainment stand! She is eating table food occasionally with her new teeth and loves it! It's messy but so much fun to watch her feed herself and try new flavors.

Overall, Katelyn is doing great, progressing nicely and keeping us busy and on the move! Here are a few shots of the kiddo over the past few weeks.

Eating spaghetti for the first time

Taking a stroll through the back yard in her wagon

Hanging with mom!

That's one cool baby :)

Miss Pie eating pot pie :)

She likes to stick her tongue out!

Bath time...her favorite!

Hanging with pops!

Monday, March 23, 2009

In case you're wondering...

Updating Katelyn's blog is on my list of things to do, soon! Sorry I've been such a slacker...I promise to do better, tomorrow!! :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Pieces of Pie

At 7 months old, Katelyn:
1) rubs her left ear when she is tired
2) sleeps 11-12 hours each night
3) loves to nuzzle her face into anything soft
4) kicks her legs when she's excited
5) likes it when you say "cock-a-doodle-doo" in a high-pitched voice
6) can sit up on her own
7) pants with excitement when she sees her bottle
8) loves peas, squash, green beans, turkey and gravy & chicken and gravy
9) eats better in the evening than she does in the morning
10) gets to see two sets of her Grandparents pretty much every week
11) loves to look at the painting of a sunset we have in our great room (Tim told her she can have it someday)
12) likes to flip the pages of plastic book that is connected to her exersaucer
13) gets in little giggle fits about once or twice a week
14) is really ticklish under her chin
15) is a squiggle worm when you change her diaper
16) loves to listen to music
17) likes to play with her (hot pink) talking Care Bear a lot
18) can get on all fours and rock back and forth
19) still doesn't have any teeth or signs of any teeth
20) wears pink pretty much :)
21) 's hair is growing in really good…she's definitely going to be a blonde :)
22) is going to grow up thinking her middle name is "Pie"
23) has the cutest little dimple on her left cheek
24) is very in tune (distracted) with what's going on around her
25) learns how to do something new every single day

Here are a few shots of her learning to crawl!

She's almost there!

Check out those belly rolls!

I'm such a big girl!

Who me?

Looking so big!

And just to spread a little more cheer, here's another short video of Katelyn when she had a case of the giggles :)