Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas, feet and a little humor

Katelyn's first Christmas was great! We got to spend the entire Christmas weekend hanging with family, doodling around town and eating like was a great way to spend the holidays!!

Katelyn had her 6 month check up and she is pretty much in the 50th percentile on everything. She weighs just over 16 pounds and is good and healthy. She still loves to suck on anything she can get her little hands on...especially her feet and mommy's hair!! Speaking of hair...don't let her get near yours because she'll yank and pull it and get it all caught up and wrapped around her little chubby, slobbery hands...and it HURTS!

She's been eating her veggies like a pro but she still doesn't care for any fruit...maybe that means she got Tim's genes and she won't like sweets!!

Just in the past couple of days she looks so grown up. You can tell that she really wants to crawl...and she's getting there! She's also babbling more and smiling all the time! This really is such a fun age!

Opening her first Christmas present!

One of her favorite things to do

Playing with her look-a-like doll Grammie made her!

Dr. Katelyn

Plumber Katelyn :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

The most precious thing happened...

...And we actually caught it on camera!!! Check out my mad (bad) camera skills below. Sorry for the wobbly camera action but I was having a hard time not laughing with Katelyn :)

Ahhh, I'm so thankful for baby laughter!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Miss Pie Update

Phew, finally back to blogging!!! We have been so busy with work (Lindsey started a new job mid September), family activities and our first road trip with Miss Pie that we haven't had the time or energy to write a new post...but here we go!

Let's see…I guess the best way to get you all caught up is by another "Katelyn is" list:

• is laughing regularly
• is eating rice cereal (which she LOVES) before bedtime
• is trying new veggies (peas, green beans and squash so far) - I (Lindsey) tried to record her the first time we gave her peas, but, since I'm such a spaz with the camera, nothing turned up :(
• is loving her new high chair
• is drinking apple juice occasionally
• is putting her feet in her mouth
• has been sleeping in her own room for about a month

• is sitting up on her own!!! She just started this today!!
• is teething
• is babbling a lot
• has gotten her first cold (boo-hoo!)
• is a great traveler
• is sleeping through the nights (well, she was before this whole teething/cold thing)
• watches the dogs when they run around like crazy animals
• plays shy when she gets excited
• tries to crawl sometimes

• likes to play peek-a-boo
• sat on Santa's lap and was very intrigued by his beard!

We took our first road trip with Katelyn to Gatlinburg for Thanksgiving and we almost had to rent a uhaul (kidding!) for everything we brought, but, Tim came to the rescue!! He is an expert packer and got everything packed away nice and neat in the Xterra...even the turkey frier!! It took us about 5.5 hours to get there and Katelyn slept most of the way! She was so good the entire time we were in G'burg...thank goodness because there were 18 of us under one big cabin roof!! Normally the Wilson side of the family get together the weekend before Christmas, exchange Dirty Santa presents and eat like maniacs! But this year, Thanksgiving worked out better for we played a mean game of Dirty Turkey (we even had a Turkey Tree!), played Rock Band til the wee hours of the morning and still stuffed ourselves silly. And, of course, Katelyn was spoiled rotten by all her doting relatives!

Open wide!!

Obviously Daddy fed her :)

so precious!

She wasn't so sure about the green beans...

But, she decided she liked them after all.

I like squash, too!

She looks so mesmerized!

All packed for Gatlinburg!

The Dirty Turkey Tree

The Dirty Turkey players (with the Turkey Tree)

Katelyn with her Grandpa

Man, if that don't make your heart melt!

In front of her first Christmas tree

Lounging with the reindeer-bears


Sweet little thing!

Sitting up all by herself!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Parade

Well, we found a heckofa deal on a Katelyn's first Halloween costume...nine bucks at the local kids consignment shop! Can't beat that for 20 minutes of enjoyment!!

Katelyn's Halloween parade was hilariously adorable! All the moms and two dads (Tim was sooo relieved to see another dad walk through the door) showed up at the daycare around 3:00 to start the festivities. We zipped our little ones into their costumes, took a bunch of pictures, then pranced our little characters in and out of each classroom for all to admire...or not really...none of the little kids in the other classrooms paid a bit of attention to us, but we all ooohed and awwwwed at each others kids, and that's all that matters! Katelyn's class consisted of two cows, a skunk, a hot red pepper and of course, a lion! They were all adorable and we're sooooo glad we participated! It was a great first "holiday" event to spend with our little booger.

Katelyn's a little unsure about her "helmet"

Her mane had the windblown look!

Here we are prancing throught the hallways!

Don't you just love the little PINK bow?!!

Check out that lion gut!

"Can we go now?!"

What a good Daddy to show up for the parade!

Mommy and her little lionette.

Lindsey didn't want to leave the pups out...but they would have rathered I did!



Friday, October 24, 2008

Boooo Whoooo

We hadn’t planned on shelling out the moolah for a Halloween costume this year for Katelyn because she’s only four months old…she’ll never know she “missed” her first Halloween, right? WRONG! Yesterday daycare sent home a note saying, “Please let us know if your child will be participating in the Halloween Party Parade”. What in the world??? How can a four month old participate in a parade? The first thing her teacher asked this morning was if Katelyn was going to be in the parade…the daycare will dress all the children up in their costumes, wheel them around to each classroom to show off their outfits, invite the parents for pictures, and afterwards, they’re going to create a picture collage for the hallway…I felt like a horrible mother as I told her that Katelyn doesn’t have a costume. OMG, is our child going to be the only one not participating in the parade?? Will her little picture be the only one missing from the hallway collage? Hell no! Our child is not going to be the only one left out because her parents were too cheap to buy her a costume!! So now we’re frantically trying to find an infant Halloween costume, one week before Halloween. Sigh. Good luck to us!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Katelyn is...

- 16 weeks old

- Rolling over like a champ

- Babbling a lot

- Studying our faces in great detail

- Smiling a lot

- Still not sleeping through the night, sigh

- Loving bath time

- Getting chunky thighs!

- Losing her hair where she sleeps on it

- Going through a phase where she likes to be held all the time

- Making us smile more than anything else in the world

- Making our dogs a bit jealous

- Spitting up less

- Using an excersaucer

- Using her Bumbo

- Using her Baby Bjorn

- Holding her bottle for brief moments

- Supporting her weight

- Still sucking her thumb, fingers and hands like crazy

- Grabbing for things (dangly toys)

- An awesome baby!!

Here she is sitting in her little Bumbo : )

Katelyn's sporting a mowhawk and big britches!

Her best Elvis impression!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Smiley Baby

Sorry it's been a while since we last posted!! We've been really busy lately and haven't had much down time to post!! But as you can see in the pictures below Katelyn is developing more of a personality these days and loves to smile!!! She's holding her head up all on her own (with a little help now and then) and starting to look like a big girl! I guess we were a little optimistic last time when we said she was sleeping through the night because she doesn't really do that anymore :( That little phase was short-lived, but I think she'll get there in a few more weeks! She's also started cooing and talking more which means a giggle is sure to come soon!!

We took Katelyn to the doctor's office last week and she had gained one pound in a month!! The doctor was very impressed! I think most of the weight went to her little chunky thighs!

She loves bath time!

Here she is all dressed for school!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Swaddles, Hands & Sleeping through the Night

Katelyn has officially decided she prefers to sleep sprawled out in her little bed rather than rolled up like a little burrito baby in her swaddle. Those little swaddles are the best darn invention and we highly recommend them to any new parent!! We've been letting her sleep in her jammies for the last 2 weeks and she seems to really like the flailing freedom! I just have to say...doesn't she look so dang cute in her little pink PJs?!!

She also really LOVES to suck on her tiny hands! In fact, we've been "gloving" them at night so she won't suck on them and wake us up with slurrrrrping noises.

And last but definitely not least...Katelyn slept for 8 straight hours last night! Hallelujah!!!! We hope it wasn't a fluke, but if it was, it was a beautiful nights sleep!! Here are a few shots of Katelyn looking mighty refreshed after her full night of sleep!