Sunday, September 28, 2008

Smiley Baby

Sorry it's been a while since we last posted!! We've been really busy lately and haven't had much down time to post!! But as you can see in the pictures below Katelyn is developing more of a personality these days and loves to smile!!! She's holding her head up all on her own (with a little help now and then) and starting to look like a big girl! I guess we were a little optimistic last time when we said she was sleeping through the night because she doesn't really do that anymore :( That little phase was short-lived, but I think she'll get there in a few more weeks! She's also started cooing and talking more which means a giggle is sure to come soon!!

We took Katelyn to the doctor's office last week and she had gained one pound in a month!! The doctor was very impressed! I think most of the weight went to her little chunky thighs!

She loves bath time!

Here she is all dressed for school!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Swaddles, Hands & Sleeping through the Night

Katelyn has officially decided she prefers to sleep sprawled out in her little bed rather than rolled up like a little burrito baby in her swaddle. Those little swaddles are the best darn invention and we highly recommend them to any new parent!! We've been letting her sleep in her jammies for the last 2 weeks and she seems to really like the flailing freedom! I just have to say...doesn't she look so dang cute in her little pink PJs?!!

She also really LOVES to suck on her tiny hands! In fact, we've been "gloving" them at night so she won't suck on them and wake us up with slurrrrrping noises.

And last but definitely not least...Katelyn slept for 8 straight hours last night! Hallelujah!!!! We hope it wasn't a fluke, but if it was, it was a beautiful nights sleep!! Here are a few shots of Katelyn looking mighty refreshed after her full night of sleep!